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November Newsletter


Dates for the Diary


Monday 13th 12.30 pm COM Meeting

Tuesday 21st 9.30 am General Meeting (lawns closed until the conclusion of the GM)

Thurs 23 Nov 9.00 am Ricochet Friendship Day Toronto

Thursday 30th 12.00 noon Christmas Luncheon


Monday 11th 12.30 pm COM Meeting

Monday 25th Christmas Day


Hi members,

Just a reminder that the lawns are mowed on Monday & Thursday afternoons. If for any reason such as poor weather etc. those days are not suitable then Jason will try to mow on another day. We will try to pick a time that does not interfere with the members playing schedule, however, the mowing of the lawns takes priority & members must cooperate with Jason at those times.

The top lawns renovations are well underway. We are hoping we can get them back in play in around three weeks' time. The lovely rain we had recently has really helped the grass come back to life. You will have noticed sprinklers being used to assist the growth process; this is to cover the areas that the irrigation system does not reach. We are currently in the process of looking into this situation.

John Leonard has very generously offered to remove the green waste stored in the corner near Ourimbah. This will be handled in about 3 weeks time. Thanks John.

Enjoy your croquet & time spent at the club.

Colin Gibbons, President


Sales of tickets for the Rotary raffle are going well. More books are now available.

Once you have sold the book please deposit the money and the butts in the box at the clubhouse.

Could the person who sold Book 16761 please get in touch with Rhonda MacDiarmid as there was no name left with the butts.

Games Captain Report

The two-lawn timetable is running smoothly.

For Golf Croquet, the morning games commence at 8:10. Please arrive at least 20 minutes before your game to assist with setting up for the day and to ensure that your tag is out in time for the draw. Announcements are at 8:50 with second game at 9:00. Just 16 players at a time are able to be on the lawns.

The 12 noon Wednesday time slot for Golf Croquet remains the same at present. A review of this starting time may be looked at once the summer heat sets in. Any member is welcome at this time to play golf croquet on the two available lawns.

EDSACC Handicap Team

Golf Croquet has a handicap team of three. Patsy McCaskie, Anita Beer and Sue Yule will be looking after all aspects of the GC handicaps.

Larry Bryant will be looking after the handicaps for Ricochet and Association. Gateball does not use a handicap system.

Players do not require a handicap unless they are entering a competition.

Sue Yule, Games Captain

Coaching Report

I have had the privilege of being part of the EDSACC Coaching Program for the last few years under the capable leadership of Sue Yule.

I have now taken over this leadership and look forward to continuing to work with our competent coaches to add new members to our club.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you know of anyone who would like to be a part of our beginners' golf croquet program.

Anita Beer

Welfare Report

Three of our members, Margaret Matheson, Pat Tobin & Christine Teasdale have been experiencing health issues of late and we wish them all a speedy recovery and a return to club play.

Pat Stokes has also been experiencing health issues and is desperately looking to return.

Karin Maiden has undergone a hand fusion and will return when everything has settled down.

Penny Hill has been absent for a few weeks due to spinal difficulties and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Please alert me if a member is ill or injured for a period of time, as this is the most effective method for me to fulfill this role competently.

Anita Beer

Gateball Friendship Day

Recently 9 Edsacc Gateball players travelled up to Toronto to participate in a Friendship day consisting of 4 games organised through the Hunter Hub. Two novices from Newcastle and Mt Sugarloaf were given some separate instruction before joining in to participate in 2 games. Instruction was provided by the experienced Ruth Mulvany and Helen Chalmers. Everyone’s skills are improving week by week. Toronto provided us with a lovely morning tea. We also became aware of the nickname for gate 1; known as “psycho gate!!!!!” for obvious reasons.

L – R Sue Higgins, Adolphe, Ruth, Nalda, Helen, Gerri, Rhonda, Cheryl, Suzy, Marion, Julianne & Barry.

Cheryl Patterson, Gateball Coordinato

Social Co-Ordinator's Report

The most recent BBQ was held on Tuesday 31st October.

24 people attended and all seemed to enjoy themselves.

As the weather warms up, this might be the last lunchtime BBQ for the year.

The next social is the club Christmas Lunch.

The date is Thursday 30th November 2023.

The time is 12.00 noon.

The cost is $50 for a two-course lunch.

The venue is the Lakehouse Restaurant, 27 The Entrance Road, The Entrance.

Drinks will be available at your cost.

Please put your name on the list at the club and pay your money.

Don’t leave it too late to register.

The Club Christmas Raffle is happening. Tickets are on sale at the club at $2 each or 6 for $10. Money in the jar at the raffle display, please.

The winner will have a choice of:

A donated quilt, made by Sue Hempel.

A Christmas hamper full of lovely surprises.

The next name drawn out will get the remaining prize.

This is the longest report I have done all year.

I think I might have a Bex and a lie down now.

Linda Fraser


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