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May Newsletter


Dates for the Diary May Tuesday 2nd Mahjong from noon Tuesday 9th COM Meeting – Noon Tuesday 16th General Meeting – 9 am followed by The Biggest Morning Tea Mahjong from noon Wednesday 17th Australia's Biggest Morning Tea Saturday 20th Australia's Biggest Morning Tea Tuesday 23rd Mahjong from noon Monday 29th Creightons Club Doubles Competition Tuesday 30th Mahjong from noon

We are happy to announce that we are hosting Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on Tuesday 16th May (General Meeting), Wednesday 17th and Saturday 20th May
We have been asked to cut down on the number of days this year, so if you only play on a Monday, Thursday or Friday, perhaps you can change to one of the other days that week or donate via the QR code on the sign on the toilet door or via Facebook, using In previous years we have been very successful in raising vital funds for Cancer Council’s life-saving research, prevention programs, information and support services.
The idea is to bring along a plate of delicious morning tea goodies and to drop some coins or notes into our donation box. (Of course, you only need do this once during the week.) You can also donate by using the QR code. As well as our usual “Guess the Teapot” game ($2), which always adds to our coffers, we have a “Tea-rivia” game ($5) this year. Come and join in the fun. Let’s see if we can raise even more than our previous best effort of $720! Please ring Penny Hill if you have any questions. 0413 506 720

Pennants The players of the EDSACC Division 3 Pennants Team have done themselves proud in the recent competition. To support them for the home games, some members arrived to cheer the players on. In addition, the timekeepers/scorers, Laurice Rogers, Sue Higgins, Gillian Aldridge, Cheryl Patterson and Ron May volunteered their time, together with referees Kathy Porter, Roberta Flint and Gail Cannon to ensure the smooth running of the events. The captain, Rhonda MacDiarmid organised the volunteers like a professional and did a great job liaising with other clubs’ captains, booking dates and venues. All in all, a great event for our club. In particular, it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces from Toronto when their team and supporters visited. A special thank you to Marion Davies from Toronto who refereed, Sunday.

Maggie McGee and Bob Howie

Sue Butler hitting off, playing her Nelson Bay opponent

Toronto and EDSACC
Maitland and EDSACC players

Roberta refereeing EDSACC and Nelson Bay

Our ever-colourful Ron May


The lawns are now being rolled and are proving to be faster (when the rain gives us a break!). Root growth is the strongest it has been for some time. We were recently very pleased when the fellows from Nelson Bay commented, that other than being a little long, the lawns were very good and the balls travelled well.

Clean-up and Inventory

You may now have noticed that the Games Room and the Annexe have had a tidy up. In addition, the inventory was conducted in these areas and in the clubhouse. Laurice Rogers, our club Secretary, has spent many hours recording this information. Should you need to use an item from the Games Room, please ensure that it is returned to the position from which it was taken. The older club mallets are being repaired, five at a time, by Malcolm Young. All members, other than those players who have joined us more recently, should now have purchased their own mallet, or at least, have a mallet ordered. Hopefully, our club mallets will now stay in the very best condition possible. This is important for coaching in particular, by the Coaching Coordinator, Sue Yule and her team.

Gail Cannon, Vice President

Coaching Report

Recently 3 of our members have been taught to play ricochet and we look forward to them enjoying play in this code of croquet.

We also have been holding beginner sessions for new golf croquet players. After the beginner's sessions in early May, our membership numbers will be at their maximum.

If any golf croquet players would like to spend some time on the lawns with a coach, let me know and I will happily arrange that for you.

Sue Yule, Coaching Co-ordinator

Coaching Report

Recently 3 of our members have been taught to play ricochet and we look forward to them enjoying play in this code of croquet.

We also have been holding beginner sessions for new golf croquet players. After the beginner's sessions in early May, our membership numbers will be at their maximum.

If any golf croquet players would like to spend some time on the lawns with a coach, let me know and I will happily arrange that for you.

Sue Yule, Coaching Co-ordinator


A few goings on this month:

Felicity Mead is still awaiting radiation treatment;

Carolyn McNamara has slipped on some water at a shopping centre & has broken her patella(knee cap) in 4 places. She has recently undergone an operation to wire the knee cap and will be out of action for some time;

Kathy Porter is awaiting further mouth cancer surgery.

Our thoughts are with our fellow players for full recoveries.

Anita Beer, Welfare Officer

Games Captain's Report

Recently I had the pleasure of accompanying Garry Clarke and Geoff Peebles to the Hunter Novice Challenge held at Maitland. The aim was to introduce “newbies” to the experience of competitive play. It was a long day and more exhausting than expected. However, they placed Runners Up in their Block winning 4 out of 5 games, learnt a lot and are now keen on playing more regularly to improve their game. Other Hunter Challenges are scheduled later in the year with the program on the back wall of the clubhouse. If you are interested in entering any of these Challenges, you will need to put in an E.O.I. via me with your details, as numbers are restricted per club, with these events being well patronised within our region. It is not a “first in, first served;” type of entry.

EDSACC’s Div 3 GC Pennants have been improving with every game; almost making it 5 straight wins but narrowly going down in their game against Nelson Bay Birubi. The state of play was one test match apiece to each club and 1 game each to the Doubles teams; with the 3rd game decided on hoop 13 and finally going to Nelson Bay. A very exciting if not tense finish giving Nelson Bay the win 2 tests to 1 test by the smallest of margins. They won their last game of the preliminary regional rounds on Sunday against Toronto. The team has been a great representation for EDSACC playing competitively in the spirit of the game. Noted is most of the COM either playing or supporting with refereeing, time keeping and scoring, joined by club members arriving to watch as well.

After the setbacks with the lawn renovation (being a sprinkler system that needed to be totally replaced at short notice) and introduction of a new line marking system; the lawns are now able to be cut shorter and rolled weekly. So expect them to get better and better over the next few weeks.

After the recent inventory/stocktake of all equipment it has been discovered that a full set of 10 Gateballs is missing. The COM would appreciate any information re borrowing them. No equipment is to leave the club without notifying a COM member and if borrowing, write up in the Equipment Borrowing Register located near the sign on book. Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.

See you on the lawns and happy hooping.

Cheryl Patterson, Games Captain

Mount Sugarlaof

Captains Rhonda and Phil receive instructions from Newcastle’s tournament Referee and Club Captain. Friday 24th March 2023


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