Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 13th - COM meeting at noon.
Monday 19th - Club BBQ.
Tuesday 20th - Defibrillator Demonstration for members in the clubhouse

Creighton Doubles Competition
A beautiful autumn day was the backdrop for a most successful, fun day for the Club's Creighton Doubles Competition. Games Captain, Cheryl provided a well organised event with extra help and tuition for players filling out their handicap cards, being provided. There was a very friendly, positive feel to the day.
Volunteer timekeepers and referees were some of the many helpers on the day, together with those members who set up lawns, and assisted with cleaning and in the kitchen...and the flags flew.
Thank you to all competitors whose sportsmanship was exemplary.
Gail Cannon, Vice Presiden

Thank you to Sue Butler for the photos Club President, Bob, flying the flags. Winners Group A: Darren Warner and Phil Monds Runners Up: Hazel Gibbons and Colin Gibbons Winners Group B: Sue Butler and Bob Howie Runners Up: Laurice Rogers and Tony Rogers

The boys having a chat and enjoying the sun

Austin, John, Ron, and Gerri...before the battle

Timekeepers Helen and Sue, and referee Suzy

Tony watching on as Rhonda prepares to run the hoop
The lawns are running well with regular rolling now that earlier growth has been strong and we haven't been plagued with constant rain.
Grant lawn has been seeded and it is just a waiting game as rye grass takes and grass cover improves.
The Greenkeeper and his offsider, Nick, have taken a trailer load of vegetation waste to the tip. Grass clippings cannot be used as mulch on the gardens. Seeds germinate and create a good deal of work for the volunteer, Paul, who has to constantly remove the weeds.

Nick loading the trailer

Bob has made a device, based on a lawn edging implement, to cut the grass away from the plastic strips. It is easy to use and helps bed the strips into the ground. Members who would like to volunteer their time to assist in keeping the plastic strips free of grass cover will find the tool in the Games Room. Feel free to give it a try.
From The Games Captain
The recent Creightons Club Doubles Competition was held in brilliant sunshine. Two Blocks of teams were entered. Block A contested a double round robin format, while Block B played a single round robin followed by a Final with 1st and 2nd from the block results. Talk of the day was the number of successful and some spectacular “Jump Shots” executed. The last games of the day were hotly contested in both blocks. The teams in each block had already played each other earlier in the day. Wins in both blocks were achieved by the narrowest of margins. In Block A winners were Phil Monds and Darren Warner; runners up were Hazel and Colin Gibbons. With 5 wins each and only losing a game to each other, the overall winner was decided on Net Hoops. Phil and Darren ended up with 15 net hoops, while Hazel and Colin scored 14 net hoops. Very close indeed. Block B saw undefeated 1st in block play; Laurice and Tony Rogers take on 2nd placed Sue Butler and Bob Howie. A very nail biting tussle going to the 13th hoop scored by Sue and Bob to take overall 1st place; Laurice and Tony runners up. A long but successful day. Congratulations to the winners, runners up and also to all the players who competed.
Another win to EDSACC over the weekend saw “yours truly” take out the State Ricochet Open Doubles playing with Chris Williamson from Toronto at Nowra. The perpetual shield can be seen on display at the club once it is engraved.
Susan Higgins, Suzy Parfait, Adolphe Parfait and myself attended a Hunter Hub workshop at Toronto to learn, and for some, refresh, their Gateball skills. Gateball was played a few years ago with the Australian Gateball Championships held at EDSACC around 2018 or thereabouts. A quick game of 30 minutes using smaller mallets and balls but wider gates. Sounds easy. The COM will be working on the logistics of incorporating this code back into weekly play beginning with a “how to play” session for anyone interested. Details “To Be Announced.”
Cheryl Patterson

We have now reached our maximum numbers for membership so any beginner enquiries will be added to the waiting list. I have emailed all those on my current waiting list to let them know, that unfortunately, there will be quite a wait for lessons.
Coaching activities for golf croquet will be held from time to time during morning play, mostly during 2nd game on a Thursday. These sessions will be advertised in the morning announcements. I hope to hold as least one session every month and focus on a different aspect of the game each month.
The next coaching session for members will be 2nd game Thursday 15 June. This session will be devoted to Clearance Shots.
Sue Yule, Coaching Co-ordinator

Social BBQ The next lunchtime BBQ will be held on Monday, 19th of June. The usual format with the list and morning announcements prior to the event for you to register. A timely reminder that payment MUST be made prior to the day or your name will not be included in the catering. Payment can be either direct to the EDSACC bank account or cash in the envelopes located at the rear corner of the clubhouse, with your name and function on the outside and deposited in the box. Linda Frazer, Social Co-Ordinator

To Rhonda MacDiarmid on receiving a Highly Commended certificate at the Volunteering Central Coast awards in the Living Legend Volunteering Award category. Rhonda has been volunteering in executive and committee positions for the Tumbi Vale Girl Guides for 45yrs and is currently the Treasurer for the Tuggerah Lakes JP”s Association, Treasurer for U3A and our EDSACC Treasurer. Well done Rhonda.