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February Newsletter



Dates for the Diary


Monday 12th COM Meeting 12-30pm

Sunday 18th Working Bee 9-00am

Tuesday 20th General Meeting 9-00am


Monday 11th COM Meeting 12.30pm

Monday 25th. Lunchtime BBQ

Visitors Fees

At the January COM meeting it was decided to increase the visitors fee for all visitors to the club, whether affiliated or not, to $10 per visit.

By-law 5 will remain in force. That 'local residents who live within 30 kms of the club can play a maximum of four times per year before they are expected to join the Club'

If you have a visitor attending the Club, please ensure they sign in the indicated spot at the bottom of the sign in diary and place their $10 in the black box in a plastic bag with their name.

Thank you

Wanted to Buy

Member Andy Martin is looking to buy a second hand mallet bag. If you have a spare one you would like to pass on please contact Andy on 0410 723 020

President's Report


Ourimbah is now back in play. Grant is still a work in progress after the seeding & turfing, but steadily improving.

Wailes will be renovated the same as Ourimbah in the near future.

Working Bee

We will be holding a working bee on Sunday 18th February commencing at 9-00am, mainly to attack the weeds that are taking over the gardens. Any time you can give us during the morning, even if its only one hour, will be very gratefully received. A free sausage sizzle will be provided afterwards. Please let me know if you are able to attend.

Many thanks.

Colin Gibbons, President

Games Captain Report

Thank you to those members who were involved in setting the hoops on Ourimbah and Grant last week. We can now play on all 4 lawns, although Grant is still a challenge.

The current time table will remain during February as 40 min games are easier for may members to manage during our summer heat.

Those members who are interested in playing in various competitions are able to find details of these events in our club folder or on the Croquet New South Wales site.

Sue Yule, Games Captain

Players Representatives

A lot of members had a break from the club over the Christmas/New Year period so it was great to see so many players returning lately. Hopefully, you're appreciating the return to 3 lawns, which are making good progress.

Anita & Alexis

Welfare Report

Helen McInnes has had a plate and pins inserted into her broken collarbone, so hopefully this should make things a little easier for her.

Carol Bennett's hand operation was a benign tumor and she should be fit to resume play in 4-6 weeks.

Anita Beer

Coaching Report

Two beginners braved the January heat to complete the Coaching Course. Would you please make welcome Yvonne Zavasky when you meet her at the Club. The other participant is likely to join in February. My thanks and appreciation to Laurice, Sue Yule and Gail for their assistance with the coaching. More beginners are ready to be coached in February.

Anita Beer, Coaching Co-ordinator

Social Co-Ordinator’s Report

A twilight BBQ was held on Thursday 18th with 21 attending. Twilight croquet has unfortunately not been very well attended due to the harsh weather conditions; however, we feel it is worth trying again when daylight saving commences again later in the year.

The next BBQ will be on Monday 25th March, reverting to the lunchtime format, with notification being in the March Newsletter.

Linda Fraser, Social Co-ordinators

More delicious food than Croquet Play!


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